- Always warm-up before and cool-down after a performance.
- Rest your voice when you do not need to use it; especially before and after a performance.
- Seek and continue formal voice training.
- Use adequate melodic patterns for your speaking voice. Pitch and intensity changes help convey meaning, too. Articulate words precisely for better intelligibility.
- Be careful with “character” voices and “emotional” releases. Always use good technique, and if it feels uncomfortable, STOP.
- Come in early to be evaluated for any voice problems.
- Always make sure you have the proper amplification and monitors.
- Be aware of body posture when performing.
- Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.
- Sing age and voice-appropriate repertoire.
- Make sure costume and props do not affect your voice.
- Be aware of the effects of medication on your voice. Career longevity is dependent on maintaining a healthy voice. Make wise decisions and protect yourself.
- See “rules for a cold”
- Prolong your career. Make wise decisions and protect your voice.
- If you are hoarse, rest your voice as much as possible. If your voice does not recover within a few days, seek evaluation. If you have to perform, and your voice is hoarse, try to see laryngologist or voice pathologist urgently to rule out a serious injury.
Overall the big message here is to rest, warm-up, amplify and a repertoire is vital to your performance.