Are You a Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?


Woman at a computer suffering from eye strain

Virtually everyone experiences blocked sinuses on an occasional basis, usually during a common cold or other respiratory infection. Some people, however, have chronic conditions that lead to more frequent sinus blockages and aren’t remedied by conservative treatments that typically prove effective. Traditional open sinus surgery can be painful and require long recovery times. However, many […]

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Considering Otoplasty for Your Child?


Child having ear examined

Prominent ears aren’t usually a medical problem, but if your child is sensitive to teasing, large ears can be a cosmetic issue that causes stress and anxiety. The surgical procedure to bring ears into proportion with the head is called otoplasty, and it may also be used for ears that protrude or that are misshapen. […]

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How to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear


Man swimming in a lap lane

Think twice before you dive into that swimming pool or a local Michigan lake. According to the CDC, swimmer’s ear results in around 2.4 million health care visits each year. The good news – you can prevent this painful infection with a few simple tips. What Is Swimmer’s Ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection that […]

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Recognize the Signs of Sudden Hearing Loss


Woman having her ear examined

About half of people in the United States over the age of 65 have some degree of hearing loss. Losing the ability to hear as you age is common. Another, entirely different, type of hearing loss is sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), which is sometimes called sudden deafness. It’s critical to seek treatment as soon […]

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Why a Rhinoplasty Isn’t Just for Looks


Happy woman reading on a couch

The human nose is a marvel, which is why its center-stage position on your face is necessary. Your nose is responsible for one of your five senses, and it also plays no small role in your ability to breathe freely and clearly. It’s this second role that often drives people through our doors here at […]

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Ringing and Hearing Loss: Killing Two Birds With One Stone


Woman having a hard time hearing

For people with hearing loss, assistive devices in the form of hearing aids continually evolve and refine, restoring your capability to hear and communicate effectively. Rather than simply a volume boost, contemporary hearing aids are high-fidelity and easily programmed to meet your needs. Integration with Bluetooth and other technologies adds features that not only extend […]

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Join Us at Oakland University’s Voice Day


Choir singing together

Oakland University’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance will welcome laryngologist and singing voice specialist Dr. Adam Rubin, author of The Vocal Pitstop, as the special guest speaker during Oakland University’s annual “Voice Day” event, that begins at 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 13 in Varner Recital Hall. Rubin, along with voice […]

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Treat Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) with Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation


Medical instrument

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is a medical issue happening in no less 1 % of the adult population. Patients experiencing ET dysfunction normally give grievances of hearing loss or sensation of pressure or plugged ear, which can prompt debilitated personal satisfaction. Viable therapeutic choices for ET dysfunction are available like Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation.   Eustachian Tube […]

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