Feeling Dizzy? It Could Be a Balance Disorder


Woman having an examination from a doctor

An estimated 33 million American adults have balance disorders, including feelings of dizziness and being unsteady on their feet. These problems can stem from many sources, and the challenges to mobility can make daily tasks difficult and, in some cases, dangerous for you and everyone around you. The risk of accident and injury climbs with […]

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Tips for Exercising With Asthma


Couple on bikes

Staying active with asthma is sometimes tricky, since exercise itself may trigger an asthma attack. Yet, despite this, the benefits of an active lifestyle are as important for asthmatics as for anyone else, and there’s medical evidence that those with asthma who incorporate exercise into their lifestyle see fewer and less intense episodes. You can […]

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Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Rhinoplasty


Woman with blue eyes

One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States, rhinoplasty — aka the nose job — has long had a reputation as a face changer, bringing the proportions of the nose in line with the rest of your facial features.  However, unlike some cosmetic services, the nose job also has some strictly […]

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What Causes Dry Mouth, and What Can You Do About It?


Woman with open mouth

There’s not much data about the prevalence of xerostomia, the medical name for the condition better known as dry mouth. Estimates about affected Americans range from less than 1% to over 60%. Dry mouth is known as a very common side effect of head and neck cancer treatments, and nearly all patients develop dry mouth […]

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3 Signs You Might Have Skin Cancer


Woman at the beach

The month of May is the traditional start of the outdoor living season here in Michigan, and with the return to gardens, parks, and beaches comes the increased risk of excessive ultraviolet light exposure. May is also, quite appropriately, Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Not all skin cancers are due to sun exposure, however, so even […]

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How Hearing Aids Could Help That Ringing Sound in Your Ears


Woman experiencing a headache

Many people think of hearing aids as assistive devices to correct hearing loss. That’s a logical and obvious connection. If you’re newly diagnosed as hearing impaired, however, it’s possible that it’s not the loss of volume that brought you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, but rather tinnitus, often called ringing in your ears. […]

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Why It Is So Important to Treat Sleep Apnea


Woman annoyed by mans snoring

While snoring doesn’t guarantee that you have sleep apnea, there’s a pretty good chance you do, or that you’ll develop the condition later. Far from just an amusing or annoying sound, sleep apnea-related snoring is a potentially life-threatening condition. Even before it reaches that stage, it could have a major impact on your daily life […]

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5 Problems That Can Be Treated With Rhinoplasty


Woman having nose examined

If you’re familiar with the medical term “rhinoplasty,” you’re aware that most people think of it as a nose job, a cosmetic procedure to change the shape and appearance of a person’s nose. About 300,000 rhinoplasty procedures are performed each year in the United States. People between the ages of 20 and 50 are most […]

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How to Tell if You’re Suffering From Sinusitis


Woman sneezing into a tissue

You know the drill when the common cold hits. There may be as many home remedies as there are families. The inflammation and swelling that stuffs you up during a cold is called sinusitis, and those home care remedies are generally all you need, because sinusitis usually has a lifespan of 7-10 days. However, there […]

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