When a Lump in the Neck is Cause for Concern


Bulge in woman's neck

You’ve found a lump on your neck. It’s likely no one is excited about this prospect but is it cause for immediate concern? Fortunately, the answer is usually “no,” but there are some occasions when growth demands more investigation. The trouble is, which is which? There are certain signs associated with both harmless and potentially […]

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6 Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty


Woman having a medical consultation

When you develop an upper respiratory infection, perhaps accompanying a cold or flu, you may experience sinusitis, where your airways become swollen and filled with mucus. Breathing can be difficult and your sinuses may be unable to drain, a necessary part of clearing the infection.  Without complete drainage, acute sinusitis can become chronic, as the […]

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How Fluid in Your Middle Ear Can Cause Hearing Loss


Child having ear examined

Middle ear infections can affect people of any age, though they’re more common in children due to features of their developing anatomy. Fluid buildup can be both a symptom and cause of this type of infection, displacing air that normally fills this part of the ear behind the eardrum.  Otitis media — or middle ear […]

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Staying Healthy With Skin Cancer Checks


Man having moles checked

Skin cancer affects about 20% of all Americans at some point in their lives, and it’s the most common form of cancer worldwide. The good news is that early detection of this disease makes for a good prognosis. Even melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer, has a five-year survival rate of 99% when […]

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Should My Child Have Their Tonsils Removed?


Child having tonsils checked

Children frequently suffer from tonsillitis, the inflammation of two pads of tissue at the sides of the back of the mouth. The tonsils are one of the first steps in immune system control, a place where bacteria and viruses accumulate.  Since tonsillitis rarely affects adults, it’s thought that tonsils play a role in immune system […]

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What Are My Nonsurgical Options to Stop My Snoring?


Man sleeping with his mouth open

Snoring is more than simply a funny noise people make in their sleep. It’s a symptom of a potentially dangerous sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. Caused by the collapse of soft tissue in your throat, snoring is part of a process that can stop your breathing while you’re asleep.  Your brain wakes you enough […]

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My Baby Has an Ear Infection. Now What?


Child having ear examined

Over 80% of American children experience at least one ear infection before their third birthday. It’s one of the most common illnesses that send parents seeking medical care for their children.  Ear infections are easy to treat and often clear up spontaneously, but there are potential complications that make a doctor’s oversight the smart course […]

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Complications of Chronic Cough


Man coughing into his hand

Any fit of compulsive coughing is annoying. While it may be something you live with because of allergies, asthma, or colds, living with a chronic cough is another matter entirely. It can keep you from sleeping and distract you from your daily tasks.  A cough becomes chronic for a child when it lasts more than […]

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Common Voice Disorders


Medical consultation

The vocal cords are the two folds of tissue in your larynx, and they form every word you speak.  It’s likely you give little thought about how you control your voice until something goes wrong. That “something” can stem from swelling, paralysis, nerve problems, tissue growths, overuse, and even hormonal changes.  When you have a […]

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Life After Hearing Aids


Medical consultation

While hearing aids are comparable to eyeglasses and contact lenses as corrective devices for the loss of sensory ability, the complexity of your hearing often makes the transition to hearing aids a more difficult task. There is, though, plenty of life after hearing aids.  With a little patience and a professional, caring team like those […]

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